Potrivit Codului Rutier, cuantumul amenzilor rutiere este determinat de valoarea numărului punctelor de amendă primite. Ținând cont de faptul că acumularea unui număr de 15 puncte duce la suspendarea permisului de conducere pe o perioadă de 30 de zile, este important să poți verifica dacă și câte puncte de penalizare rutieră ai acumulat. Metode de […]
The text describes a service that is temporarily unavailable due to receiving too many requests.
The message "Service unavailable (0). Service unavailable, please try again in 10 seconds..." indicates that the service has been overloaded and needs a break.
The additional details offer technical information about the error, including the IP address, date and time, reason ("Too Many Requests"), and an error code (233).
The unrelated phrase "Cum poi afla cte puncte amend ai acumulat fr s te duci la Poliie Tot ce trebuie s tie oferii romni despre amenzile primite n trafic" appears to be in Romanian and translates to "How to find out how many penalty points you have accumulated without going to the Police. Everything you need to know offering Romanians about fines received in traffic."
The text describes a service that is temporarily unavailable due to receiving too many requests. The message "Service unavailable (0). Service unavailable, please try again in 10 seconds..." indicates that the service has been overloaded and needs a break. The additional details offer technical information about the error, including the IP address, date and time, reason ("Too Many Requests"), and an error code (233). The unrelated phrase "Cum poi afla cte puncte amend ai acumulat fr s te duci la Poliie Tot ce trebuie s tie oferii romni despre amenzile primite n trafic" appears to be in Romanian and translates to "How to find out how many penalty points you have accumulated without going to the Police. Everything you need to know offering Romanians about fines received in traffic."